SAIKO is a destructive form of illegal fishing that is driving the collapse of Ghana’s fisheries and threatening jobs and food security. Industrial vessels are illegally targeting fish reserved for canoe fishers. Fishes like eban (sardinella) caught and eaten by the ordinary Ghanaian are on the brink of collapse.

Help shut down this illegal trade by signing our open letter to the president to stop saiko now.

Ghana’s fisheries provide food and livelihoods for over 2.7 million people but are being driven to collapse by illegal saiko fishing. In 2017, an estimated US$ 50 million worth of fish was traded illegally through saiko.

Read our letter to Ghana's President calling for an end to this destruction here.

Your support is vital to sustain Ghana’s fisheries, safeguard livelihoods and food security. Call on the government of Ghana to stop saiko fishing now.

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